Saturday, February 13, 2016

Making a Valentines broquet

For Valentine's Day this year, I wanted to do something special for Brad. He got me a bouquet of roses delivered to me, and I got him the broquet. 

This was some of my pinspiration: 

I wanted to get a vase that we could reuse that way I didn't just waste money. 

I bought this silver one from target, along with colored tissue paper and some bamboo bbq skewers. 

Rather than buying Valentine's Day cards, I decided to make my own, so I grabbed the card stock paper and some metallic sharpies and went to town! 

Next, I started gluing all the random things onto the skewers with the pointy side pointing down so it could stab into the vase and stay. 

^^these are all the silly things I bought;)

After gluing, I stuffed some of the tissue paper into the bottom of the case so the sticks would poke out enough and the broquet would look full. Then I stuffed it like a present and got to work making the arrangement like you would a real bouquet of flowers. 

And there you go! A Valentine's Day broquet:)

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