
Brad and I are flipping our first investment property house with a rustic, modern style. All of our posts can be found on the left side of the page, organized by date and title or you can stay on this page and scroll down to see the most recent things we have done.

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Saturday, February 13, 2016

Making a Valentines broquet

For Valentine's Day this year, I wanted to do something special for Brad. He got me a bouquet of roses delivered to me, and I got him the broquet. 

This was some of my pinspiration: 

I wanted to get a vase that we could reuse that way I didn't just waste money. 

I bought this silver one from target, along with colored tissue paper and some bamboo bbq skewers. 

Rather than buying Valentine's Day cards, I decided to make my own, so I grabbed the card stock paper and some metallic sharpies and went to town! 

Next, I started gluing all the random things onto the skewers with the pointy side pointing down so it could stab into the vase and stay. 

^^these are all the silly things I bought;)

After gluing, I stuffed some of the tissue paper into the bottom of the case so the sticks would poke out enough and the broquet would look full. Then I stuffed it like a present and got to work making the arrangement like you would a real bouquet of flowers. 

And there you go! A Valentine's Day broquet:)

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